Entrepreneurship icon

Scalability and growth

No matter how fantastic and innovative your concept is and no matter how much you protect it, in the end it all comes down to entrepreneurship. How do you make sure your idea generates value for your customer? Which business models should you use? How do you make an idea / concept scalable?

Making innovation profitable

Inquirendi helps you think about how to make your innovation viable and how to grow your business. After all, an idea will only start generating value when there are sufficient customers who are willing to pay for it.

To no longer think as a company, in products and/or processes, but priority think about value, demands a mind shift.  Once that shift is made, you can start working proactively or even predictive in order to serve your customer even better.

Inquirendi support you in value based thinking through sounding boards and workshops

“Invention is by its nature disruptive. If you want to be understood at all times, then don't do anything new.”

Jef Bezos

Innovative business models

Business as usual is under pressure. Business models are changing, companies need to learn thinking in terms of services and customer value, and this requires new insights. Inquirendi will be happy to help you test varying innovative business models, weigh up the pros and cons and draw up concrete roadmaps.

Inquirendi uses techniques such as business model canvas, design thinking, service design,..

“An invention has to make sense in the world it finishes in, not in the world it started.”

Tim O'Reilly


Having a good idea is one thing, but how do you build a viable business? How can you achieve a balance between revenues and costs? How do you monitor the viability and profitability of your idea? How can you maximize the value of your idea? Inquirendi teaches you how to map and optimize these insights.

“Finding opportunity is just a matter of believing it's there”

Barbara Corcoran

Scalability and growth

Or maybe you want to take your business one step further and look into scalability? You can find scalability not only through 'more' customers, but also by looking at your internal product processes.  

Based on its own stoytelling about 'securing your speedboat', Inquirendi analyzes together with you what those elements are that make your company a 'speedboat' and how those elements can help you to grow by entering new markets, by finding new applications,...

A 'speedboat" analyses of your innovation can increase the value of your idea by a factor 10.

“Times of crisis, of disruption or constructive change, are not only predictable, but desirable. They mean growth. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.”

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Future thinking

How do you deal with change, with new technologies, with evolving business models? How do you make sure your company remains relevant? How do you go from feeling like you are lagging behind to a concrete business strategy that anticipates the future and thinks ahead?

Inquirendi closely follows trends in new technologies and business models and likes to spot cross industry innovation opportunities.  Inquirendi is happy to guide you with its won workshops and expertise to find out for your company which threats, but espacially which opportunities they can bring.

Interested in a workshop or collaboration?

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