
“Wonder is the beginning of all wisdom”


An Cosaert

Inquirendi or ‘a voyage of discovery’, requires an open mind and a large dose of eagerness to learn. Two characteristics that An Cosaert happens to have plenty of.

She graduated as an industrial engineer in electromechanics. Although ‘graduate’ is not exactly right, since she is still constantly in search of new knowledge and, above all, sharing that knowledge.

She worked as an R&D engineer for 15 years at companies and organizations such as KUL Composites Group, Recticel IDC and Rogers Corporation. In this way, she built experience in materials research, electrical engineering, intellectual property, and innovation management. Her research projects always started from customer needs.

As of 2007, An Cosaert became innovation advisor at the Flemish network of Innovation Centers (now called VLAIO Team Bedrijfstrajecten). She mainly focused on innovation and IP strategy coaching. Since then, she has become a member of the Belgian Patent User Group (BEPIUG) and is an expert in the use of IP as a management tool for companies.

After a stopover at Antwerp Management School, where she focused on research into entrepreneurship in exponential times, she started her own business, Inquirendi. At Inquirendi she gets to combine her years of experience, her eagerness to learn and especially her passion to help companies move forward.  With Inquirendi she focusses on Intellectual Property and Innovation Strategy, coaching companies to make the best scalable choices given a limited innovation or IP budget.


An gives keynotes and workshops about the topics she is passionate about:

- Secure Your Speedboat : how to detect the scalability within your business and finding out the best ways to secure it.

- Lean Patent Canvas: on how to make your idea 10 times stronger, with an IP strategy as a bonus.

- How to be the next Darwin in an exponential future: on how to thrive as a business in an exponentially fast-changing future.


An is guest lecturer at Antwerp Management School, teaching ‘IP & Technologies of Tomorrow’ in the master’s program Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

An is also mentor at the iStart community of Imec

Based on her expertise in IP, An was asked to be part of the jury of the Textirama Foundation.

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